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For clients under Account4 software maintenance agreements, Account4 provides unlimited telephone support by trained professionals, and periodic updates to licensed products at no additional fee.

Account4 values each Account4 software customer and understands that the quality of customer service is the cornerstone of customer satisfaction and a successful implementation. Our mission is to provide the highest level of support possible. We strive to establish lasting relationships with our customers based on the reliability of our product and support efforts, and the integrity of our staff. We make every effort to resolve problems as quickly as possible.

This process includes issue submission, prioritization, and resolution.

Customers can submit requests to Account4 Customer Services via the following methods:

Telephone - Customer Services 617-964-1633 ext. 504 between 8:00AM to 6:00 PM Eastern Time, Monday through Friday.

FAX - Customer Services 617-964-1613. The FAX is forwarded to a Customer Services Representative who contacts the customer regarding the request.

Email -

Account4 prioritizes each request submitted by a customer. This priority assignment determines the order that issues are addressed. Priorities help us focus on customers with the most pressing needs. Our priority classification list centers on keeping our Customers operational.

Levels Descriptions
Level 1 Production System is down. Critical users(s) or component(s) are not functional. Business/Decision-making is affected.
Level 2 Production System is impacted significantly. One or more required functions are not useable. Business/Decision-making is affected.
Level 3 Test System is down. System is prevented from entering Production Phase.
Level 4 Test System is impacted significantly. Testing of system can continue, but some components cannot be used. System not scheduled for Production phase for at least one month.
Level 5 Minor problems without disruption of work in either a Production or Test System.
Level 6 General questions, information requests, suggestions or observations.

The Account4 Customer Services Department makes every effort to meet the following targets when responding to requests from customers. In certain cases, on-site assistance can be arranged if the customer's request requires a visit to research and investigate an issue. Response time is based upon Customer Service hours of operations.

Levels Response Times (Call Back) Target Resolution/Response Times
Level 1 One (1) hour As soon as possible (ASAP)
Level 2 One (1) hour As soon as possible (ASAP)
Level 3 One (1) hour Forty-eight (48) hours
Level 4 Four (4) hours Seventy-two (72) hours
Level 5 Four (4) hours Next Release and/or Workarounds
Level 6 Twenty-four (24) hours Seventy-two (72) hours

We also understand that some issues may be difficult to isolate. The Account4 software architecture consists of many components that may be customer specific, contributing to performance problems and issues. The operating platform, web server, database and Account4 configurations all play critical roles in the application. Therefore, certain problems may require additional customer information. Our ability to resolve issues is dependent on timely communication between both customer and ourselves.

We are sensitive to the fact that certain customers are inconvenienced at times. However, it is important to note that customer problems that become critical will be at the top of the priority list.

Occasionally, there may be a Customer Service Call that has not been given the priority or attention that you feel it requires. When this happens, the first step should be to contact the Manager of Account4 Customer Services. When you call the support desk, explain to the call taker that you need to escalate an existing call. They will ensure that you receive a prompt response.

If the issue has still not been resolved to your satisfaction, please contact the Applications Development Manager. He/she should investigate the problem independently and if appropriate bring in the VP of Sales or the CEO. If the CEO is able to help, he/she will be consulted at any point in this process.

Generally, an Issue Rating may be escalated under any of the following conditions:

  • Users experiencing production problem such as system or SQL errors that prevent or interfere with functionality
  • The problem resolution is not proceeding in an acceptable manner and the impact level on customer operations has changed
  • Problems that have lingered without complete resolution


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