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Account4 provides a standard set of role-based training courses, and also prepares client-specific training programs. This classroom training combined with a complete on-line help system prepares your organization to increase its productivity using Account4® software.

Course Length
Briefing Time Reporters 30 minutes
Briefing Managers & Executives 4-8 Hours
Corporate System Administrator Training 2 Days
Departmental System Administrator Training 4 Hours
Database Training 1 Day
Level One Customizations 2 Days (optional)
MSP Portal Training 2-4 Hours (optional)
Report Training 2 Days (optional)
API Training 10 Days (optional)
Project and Resource Management Techniques 1 Day (optional)
Account4 Traveler 1 Hour (optional)

Briefing Time Reporters
This 30-minute course provides instruction to users who report time and expenses for project, ad-hoc and administrative work. Users review why Account4 software provides value in their organization, and how to: log on and off; add or delete activities on their timecard; report time and expenses; access or post to the bulletin board. This course can be accessed via the Intranet for self-tutorial, or can be presented to a large number of users at once, with overhead display equipment.

Briefing Managers & Executives
This four-to-eight hour course provides instruction to users who make or approve work or resource assignments. Users review why Account4 software provides value to their organization, and how to: define work; search for, authorize and assign resources to work activities; approve requests for resource assignments; approve reported time and expenses; access and edit invoices; view on-line reports. This course can be accessed via the Intranet for self-tutorial, or can be presented in a class format with up to ten students per session.

Corporate System Administrator Training
This two-day course shows the Account4 software System Administrator how to maintain the Account4 technical environment. The System Administrator learns the Account4 architecture, and how to: set up new users; remove old users; set user security and data access parameters; define or modify the database directories or naming conventions; setup and run batch reports.

Departmental System Administrator Training
This four-hour course shows the Account4 software System Administrator how to: set up new users; remove old users; setup and run batch reports.

Database Training
This is a one-day course familiarizing students with the Account4 database tables, relationships, and business rules. Course materials include a data model and data dictionary. Students will also be provided with a discussion on the advantages and flexibility of the Account4 database structure.

Level One Customizations
This is a two-day course covering the basic components of the Account4 pages and scripts. Students will build add, list and update pages and add them to an Account4 test application. Other topics include formatting, filtering and validation rules. Prerequisites include the Briefing Managers and Database Training courses.

MSP Portal Training
This is a two-to-four hour course devoted to the bi-directional interface between Account4 and Microsoft Project®. The course covers transfers to and from Microsoft Project as well as best practices for using the Portal in a production environment .

Report Training
This two-day course teaches the Account4 software System Administrator how to modify and create custom reports. Knowledge of Crystal Reports™ and the Account4 database schema are prerequisites, and knowledge of SQL is helpful.

Project and Resource Management Techniques
Account4 is able to share its two decades of knowledge and experience in implementing work management concepts in small, medium and very large organizations. Account4 offers beginning or refresher programs for work and resource managers that orient the student to standard methods, techniques and principles for improving the efficiency, productivity and effectiveness of their organizations.

Account4 Traveler
This is a one-hour course designed to cover Account4's Off-line Time and Expense Reporting functionality.

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