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Click for Product Screens & DiagramWith the Account4/MSP Portal, Account4's Web-based business software and Microsoft Project's desktop software work together to create a truly integrated enterprise-wide work management system. Microsoft Project's desktop project management software lets you plan, assign resources, and schedule important project work. Account4 lets you combine, in a central repository, the projects scheduled in Microsoft Project, with all the other work and resource activity being performed in your organization. Account4 also allows you to integrate time and expense reporting with project plans and status in Microsoft Project.

You can take advantage of the simplicity of Microsoft Project to outline your project plans and resource assignments. Then, using the Account4/MSP Portal, you can transfer that information into Account4 where you'll have an enterprise-wide view of all work and resource requirements. As time and progress are reported through Account4, this real-time information can be integrated into your desktop Microsoft Project plan ... providing updated status information.

About the Account4/MSP Portal ...

Upload Microsoft Project plans, resource assigments, and schedules into Account4's central repository.
Provide enterprise-wide visibility for all your work.

Update your Microsoft Project plans with global data from Account4.
Provide updated status and progress reporting.

Associate resources between Account4 and Microsoft Project to assure matching
      of resources and skills.

Provide enterprise-wide visibility and better resource and skill planning.

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