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Account4 Selected to Power IT for Philadelphia Gas Works

Joins Account4 utility clients Verizon, NSTAR, Salt River Project, and Consolidated Edison

Newton, MA – February 14, 2001 – Account4, a pioneer of Web-based Professional Services Automation (PSA) software, announced that Philadelphia Gas Works, the largest municipally-owned gas utility in the country, has selected Account4 to automate core IT processes and project work. Philadelphia Gas Works (PGW) joins Account4's growing list of leading utility customers, including Verizon, NSTAR, Salt River Project, and Consolidated Edison of New York.

PGW will use Account4® software as an efficient means to better manage IT projects and the resources working on them. The evaluation team had several key factors in mind for the right IT management solution, including system accessibility, software usability, and a common storage area for critical data. The team concluded Account4 met all requirements. Account4 uses thin-client Web-based architecture, allowing all users access to the system via a standard browser. The software's straightforward design encourages staff compliance. Finally, Account4's powerful central data repository and flexible work request process offer tremendous administrative and decision-making advantages.

"IT workgroups in a variety of industries, spanning from IT services and consulting firms to corporate IT departments within vertical industries such as utilities, are realizing the benefits of PSA" said Dick Artus, Senior VP of Marketing at Account4. "Account4's flexibility allows it to be tailored to meet specific organizational requirements, and is a cost effective way for many organizations to optimize IT practices and achieve higher levels of customer service."

With Account4, corporate IT departments can realize several benefits, including the ability to:
•Align IT goals with those of business units
•Meet delivery promises - on time & under budget
•Track actual time & expenses against a budget
•Improve workforce acquisition, management & optimization
•Charge costs to other departments or customers
•Expedite billing and accounting processes
•Streamline administrative operations and reduce bottlenecks

About Account4:
Account4® software is a complete PSA solution for professional services organizations (PSOs) and corporate information technology (IT) departments. It supports the core business processes associated with Business Development, Service Delivery and Administration, and helps these organizations successfully manage projects and increase the utilization, productivity, effectiveness, and retention of their workforces. Account4 was the first fully integrated, 100% Internet-based PSA solution. It offers a pure HTML user interface with no Java or ActiveX. For more than 14 years, Account4, Inc. ( has provided software and related consulting services to over 175 companies and more than 325,000 licensed users. Our premier customer base includes: Verizon, Kmart, SGI, Radio Shack, NSTAR, Mellon Bank, The Hartford, Chase Manhattan, CNA Insurance, INTRIA-HP, ConEdison, Viacom and FileNET.

About Philadelphia Gas Works: Philadelphia Gas Works (PGW) is owned by the City of Philadelphia and is used for the acquisition, storage, processing, and distribution of gas within the City. PGW is the largest municipally owned gas utility in the country, maintaining a distribution system of approximately 6,000 miles of gas mains and service pipes serving approximately 518,000 customers.

Press Contacts: Account4

Jay Hakansson
(617) 964-1633 x237
Jim McGeady
(617) 964-1633 x242

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