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Account4 Supplies Tracking Power to
Consolidated Edison Company of NY, Inc.

Largest supplier of energy to NYC chooses Web-based Account4 software
for managing work and people

Newton, MA – October 19, 2000 – Account4, a leading provider of Internet-based professional services automation (PSA) software, announced today that Consolidated Edison Company of NY, Inc., the largest supplier of energy to New York City, will use Account4® software to improve the operations of an engineering services group. The group will use the Web-based system to track its workforce, multiple projects, and report time.

"This represents another major win in the Utilities sector for Account4," said John Lucas, CEO and President of Account4. Account4 software was previously selected by Boston Edison, TXU-Europe, and Salt River Project. "Services groups from all industries — in addition to IT services — are recognizing the benefits of streamlining and automating their service delivery processes with Account4, which handles the requirements of both professional services organizations and internal groups in a single PSA software application."

Project and resource managers at many large organizations are overwhelmed with requests for work and resources. With Account4 software, they can capture requests online, funnel them to the right individuals, and then track them through approval, delivery, and closure. This process provides managers with a bird's eye view of potential and ongoing work, allowing them to manage their workforce skills, capacity and utilization accordingly.

About Consolidated Edison: Consolidated Edison Company of NY, Inc. is one of the largest investor-owned energy companies. They have supplied more than 100 years worth of energy to New York City, and serve a geographic area with a total population of over 8.3 million people.

About Account4:
Account4® software is a complete PSA solution for professional services organizations (PSOs) and corporate information technology (IT) departments. It supports the core business processes associated with Business Development, Service Delivery and Administration, and helps these organizations successfully manage projects and increase the utilization, productivity, effectiveness, and retention of their workforces. Account4 was the first fully integrated, 100% Internet-based PSA solution. It offers a pure HTML user interface with no Java or ActiveX. For more than 14 years, Account4, Inc. ( has provided software and related consulting services to over 175 companies and more than 325,000 licensed users. Our premier customer base includes: Verizon, Kmart, SGI, Radio Shack, NSTAR, Mellon Bank, The Hartford, Chase Manhattan, CNA Insurance, INTRIA-HP, ConEdison, Viacom and FileNET.

Press Contacts: Account4

Jay Hakansson
(617) 964-1633 x237
Jim McGeady
(617) 964-1633 x242

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