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Account4 Web-based software uses your company's intranet to initiate, receive, evaluate, process and assign all current and forecasted work and service requests ... in real time.

Work Requests is a simple concept, an easy-to-use application, and a way to maximize communication, productivity, portfolio visibility, and ultimately, your bottom line.

   Is your company prepared to handle all the projects in its pipeline?

It's an obvious advantage for a business to know, or at least anticipate, what's coming in the way of internal and external work and service opportunities. Often referred to as opportunity or pipeline management, the ability to see what's ahead and gauge future resource needs is well served by the forecasting capability in Account4's Work Requests module.

   Do you have the right staff to execute the work?

Account4 software gives you instant visibility into all ongoing and upcoming work, so you are better able to make fast and accurate planning and staffing decisions. Business executives benefit by having a view of the big picture: portfolio performance and pipeline status across the entire enterprise.

Work Requests also provides on-line, real-time, up-to-the-minute status reporting. The convenience of knowing the details of a resource's existing assignments, his or her upcoming engagements, and future availability allows managers to effectively track current utilization and also plan ahead.

   How can you assure success?

By taking advantage of a technology and infrastructure already on hand — your company's intranet — and using Account4 to get and stay on top of your work, you can expect exponential improvements in planning, process, productivity, and bottom-line results.

Benefits of Account4's Web-based Work Requests:

Captures potential engagement opportunities
Allows resource planning for engagements in pipeline
Calculates cost; estimates revenue
Provides real-time status ... anytime, anywhere!

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