2003 (2
of 3)
Kristin's big day... The graduation was at 10:00 am; we knew that was problematic for night-owl Mom. John wanted me to be in charge of getting her there. Um, no thanks, that's way too tough a job. I called her room around 9:20, she was still in bed and wouldn't be coming. John feigned being peeved, but we all know that's Mom. No big deal. (She would catch the replay on local cable TV later.) It seemed like this day was even hotter than the previous; we were wilting as we walked into the Coliseum for the ceremony. A surprising number of students were graduating in this off-season. Everything went well, and it was not too long. Kristin was officially a college graduate —good job! And an even bigger congrats to John & Lori for supporting her all along the way.
Passing Time in Nacogdoches Back at the hotel we prepared for our next adventure. Kurt, Tina, the kids, Krisanne, Ronnie and I were going for a hike. Getting to the trailhead meant walking through the downtown area. So, armed with water, we set off in the middle of the day, in the middle of August, in the middle of East Texas. No surprise: it was hot as hell. The streets of Nacodoches were deserted except for our little party. You'd think we might see a person or two on this busy graduation weekend — but not a soul. The bank sign read 99° as we passed. As we neared the trail, Peter went jogging by us. Ah, someone even crazier than us hikers.
Time to Party After cool-down time at the pool, we were ready for Kristin's party. Lori had rented a banquet room at the hotel and done all kinds of work on decorations, prizes, music and food preparation. There was a great buffet table with the best items (Creole) home-prepared by Lori and her mother: boiled shrimp and crawfish pies. Mmmm-mmm. Erin hasn't had much seafood in her young life, but she agreed to try a crawfish pie. In a most surprised voice, "This is good!"
Lori started drawing numbers for prizes, to the great anticipation of the kids. The first number called belonged to "Joe Carnovale!" Kurt yelled out. I've never seen Joe so excited — smiling, running back and forth from Lori to the prize table, not knowing what he was supposed to do. So cute! More party pictures here.
The music seemed louder & louder as the night went on, and each song sounded just like the last. Finally Krisanne went to the DJs to request something different. Still Ba-BOOM, Ba-Ba-Ba-BOOM ... John went up to ask for a specific song. More Ba-BOOM, Ba-Ba-Ba-BOOM. Then Mom went up, and within seconds she had her request:Y-M-C-A! I guess the DJs liked this variation on a theme. And that one had the joint jumping.
But then the music started, and a line formed. A Second Line. With Auntie Da leading the way with her purple-feathered parasol, everyone started waving their hankerchiefs and dancing along after her, the line snaking and shaking around the room. For some idea what it was like, click here. But be warned: You might have an uncontrollable urge to boogie. I found out later from Avis what Second Line was all about. It's derived from the New Orleans-style funeral where the departed is sent to a "second line" and ushered out in style. And now it's become a regular thing at transitional events like weddings, graduations, etc. in New Orleans. Very neat and great fun!
The next morning was a frenzy of packing cars and saying goodbye. Most everyone was headed home. Kurt, Tina and the kids were continuing their vacation in San Antonio. We headed back to Houston with John and Mom, followed by Lori, Mark, Helen and her sisters. More fun to come ...