My niece Kelsey, 10, is in the 4th grade. Her class was asked to think about heroes that they knew. Kelsey wrote this story about her Grandma, and it was chosen to appear in a school publication.


My Heroine
by Kelsey

My heroine is my Grandma Ruth. She is 75 years old and she lives in Plantation, Florida. She is my heroine because she is thoughtful, caring, and nice.

Grandma Ruth is caring because she takes elderly ladies out to dinner, shopping and doctors' appointments. She is also caring because she works at a daycare center and helps take care of toddlers and babies.

Grandma Ruth is thoughtful because she gave her spare tire to a stranger on the side of the road who had a flat tire. She is also thoughtful because when she comes up to visit us every summer, she always has presents for my friends and me. She keeps our presents in the trunk of her car when she drives up to Massachusetts. Everyone crowds around her when she opens up her trunk.

Grandma Ruth is also very smart. She earned her degree in both high school and college. She earned her degree in history, which was very rare back then. She reads articles about how to keep healthy and other things happening in the news. Sometimes she stays up until 4 a.m. reading the newspaper!

My grandma is my heroine because of all these reasons. Every time I am with her, I end up with lipstick marks on my cheeks! I love my grandma very much.


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