(please scroll as needed)

Northeastern coast of Puerto Rico. (propeller at top!)
We had been to the beach on the far left on our visit in 1996.

Island of Montserrat. The Soufriere Hills Volcano has been active since 1995.
You can see the lava flows, most of this side of the island has been evacuated.

Northern coast of Basse Terre, Guadeloupe. (looking north)
The arrow points to L'Habitation Grande Anse bungalows, where we stayed in Deshaies.

This view is also of northern Basse Terre as we were leaving (looking south)

Northern Basse Terre. The top arrow points to the town of Deshaies.
The bottom arrow points to the plage de Grande Anse, the beach near our bungalow.

San Juan, Puerto Rico — click for larger view


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