I had wanted to go
to the top of the Duomo, and we got in the long, slow line to do so. As
we were standing on the hard bricks, getting hotter by the minute, we
noticed across the plaza, people walking right inside the base of the
Campanile. And its top had a great vantage point also ... so a change
of plan. Up we climbed, 276 feet on steep, deep steps in narrow stairwells.
A bit tiring, and some people were gasping for breath. But what a vista
once we arrived on top. [Duomo
OK, the legs were
starting to tire, but on we pressed. The lines to get into the Uffizi
were too long, but right nearby was the Museo di Storia della Scienza.
It was an incredible collection of historic scientific instruments, like
compasses, telescopes (some of Galileo's), globes, weather measuring stuff,
chemistry and medical items, and a lot more. Very impressive and no crowds.
We made the long walk
back to the hotel, rested for a while, then got antsy again (well, me
anyway). We needed another vista fix, so walked up to Piazza Michelangelo
once more. [Piazza
last day in Firenze and still so much to do ... we gave ourselves a break
and took a cab back to San Lorenzo. There were several different parts
of the cathedral and grounds to see ... and more of Michelangelo's genius
to appreciate. Going in the dome end (smaller and similar to the Duomo),
we visited the Medici mausoleum, lavishly decorated with marble. Then,
another thrilling experience we got a close-up look at the Medici
tombs. Michelangelo began work on these in 1520. Here are some
views from postcards. You might think after all the great works we'd
already seen, we would be blasé about seeing more. I'm happy to say,
no, not even close. But I won't gush any more ...
We had to go outside
and around the cathedral to the opposite end, then through a courtyard
and garden to visit the Biblioteca Medicio-Laurenziana. Yet another entry
fee, and we were inside. This area was a showcase for Michelangelo's talent
as an architect. The staircase
is so unusual and elegant; he also designed the desks and ceiling. There
were many huge books on display with pages of hand-written and -drawn
manuscripts, several centuries old.
Now then,
there we were in the middle of Firenze's famous leather goods marketplace.
What should we do? Sandals! we both had to have Italian sandals.
We got some nice pairs. And amidst all the leather we found something we
really needed: a large duffel bag to carry all the new things home.
crossed the Ponte Vecchio to the south side of Florence and were soon
in front of the huge Palazzo Pitti, the main residence of the Medici family
after 1550. We didn't go into the palace (filled with Medici art collections),
but through the inner courtyard to the Boboli
Gardens. An amazing complex of sculpted gardens hedges planted
and trimmed into intricate geometric patterns on a giant scale. There
are classical statues amongst the greenery, fountains, ponds, and an outdoor
amphitheatre. I loved the wide, long Viottolone
an impressive "avenue" lined with huge cypress and pine
trees. There are also nice views of Florence from high ground it's
a beautiful, peaceful place. [Boboli
It was now mid-afternoon,
time to fish or cut bait: would we head back to the hotel and relax or
make another try at getting into the Uffizi, one of the top art museums
in the world? Can you guess?
took over an hour, but we finally made it, we were seeing the amazing
collection of the Uffizi. Some of the greatest works of Botticelli (Birth
of Venus), Leonardo da Vinci (Adoration of the Magi), and many others
by Raphael, Titian, Rubens, Rembrandt ... well, you get the idea. Paintings
I'd studied years before, come to life. What an art history lesson. And
my hero Michelangelo was well-represented by his neat Tondo Doni (love her arms). One complaint: several of the best-known
paintings had a glass pane in front of them, for some kind of protection,
I guess. A real shame. It was hard to fully appreciate them because they
were partly obscured by reflections.
Then, it was really
time to face facts: our time in Firenze and Italia was coming to an end.
We trudged back to the hotel for the last time. Then walked to a neighborhood
trattoria recommended by the hotel manager it turned out to be
a warm, family-run business, great food.
We flew out the next
morning, over the Alps, to Brussels, then on to Boston. It was with a
feeling of great satisfaction and peace that I left. We had been so enriched,
so lucky to have been in Italia.
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