July, 2004 | to
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What Happened to June? June was a wonderful, uneventful month devoted to flora, fauna and fixin' up. Here are some pics ...
We got an early start, had breakfast at Friendly's then geared up for a day of golf. That's the gang (top)as we parked in Granby, MA to be bussed over the town line to South Hadley to see the women play U.S. Open golf. It was a misty morning that turned into a humid, hot, then beautiful day in bucolic western MA. We were at the Orchards, a Donald Ross-designed course full of narrow fairways, small greens, hills, dales and poison ivy. Again, I have no pictures taken at the event: no cameras allowed, or food, drinks, bags over the size of a peanut; they barely let you arrive clothed these days. But the Woman's USGA was very kid-friendly this year, handing out goody bags to Erin, Kelsey & Joe as we arrived. Free lunch coupons, hats, tags and games ... things to distract them, I guess, from the tournament. Golf isn't the greatest viewing event for kids. But we adults tried to make them realize how NEAT this all was: see Annika, she's the best woman golfer in the world. And there's Michelle Wie — only 14, like you, Erin! And there are lots of other teenagers playing; see how long and straight they hit? Some of this got their interest, but when I mentioned visiting the Merchandise Tent, that became the chant: Let's go there. We walked and camped, walked and camped, saw some great players and good shots. The only problem with the beautiful old course was that it had little room for spectators. Not many grandstands could be squeezed in around the greens. So that made it even more of a chess game than usual. We had to plan our moves well in advance to get to where we could see who we wanted. Michelle Wie was the main attraction, drawing large crowds. We got the best look at her on the practice range where she hit shot after beautiful shot with such ease, fluidity. Her parents were with her, dad on the bag. Once she began play, we watched her on a par 5. She hit a tree off the tee, then had some trouble getting back on the fairway. She showed a little frustration, but is so cool for her age. The best shot we saw all day though, was by veteran Juli Inkster on the same par 5, reaching the green in two with a shot that was a thing of beauty. We also saw eventual champ, Meg Mallon — such a good player and person. Kudos to my great nieces and nephew. They hung in there for over 6 hours on a hot day. There were only a few widely spaced, "Can we go now?" requests (not whines!)— they are great troupers and fun to be around.
Fun on the Fourth of July A glorious day. We went for an early, peaceful kayak ride. Turtles were sunning on the rocks; geese, ducks and herons were doing their thing. It was but a respite before the craziness ... every kind of motor boat, party boat and Jetski came out — the busiest lake day of the year, a steady din of noise. Wildlife, beware ... and fireworks to come.
We also went for our regular walk, but this time came home a threesome. A sweet black lab was wandering the roads. Worried about her getting hit, we borrowed a leash and brought her home, asking all the way if anyone knew her. No luck ... do we have a new dog? We got her settled on a rope in the yard, with water and newly purchased dog food. The cats watched with great interest from the door (Stinky: curious, Lucy: wary) She was so lovable and leaned right into me, craving attention. Soon after we figured we should call the local police. Alas, someone was looking for our friend, Raven. A nice couple came right away to pick her up — she had gotten loose and lost her rabies tag. So with mixed feelings we said goodbye. It was fun having a dog for a while!
Our Guys The sweetest boys around ... summer pleasures.