A month only a heron could love. "If you don't have anything nice to say ..." So I'm keeping my remarks about most of the month of June to a minimum. It was such a downer in the Northeast with the constant rain and cool temperatures. We deserved so much better after a miserable winter. However, the water birds seemed to be enjoying the waterworld, and when the plants finally did blossom, albeit a couple weeks late, there were some beautiful sights and smells.
Friends help ... No complaints about the company. Betsy and I drove down to Westport for a visit with Tom & Cindy. Always a good time with those folks. The day was cold and misty, but it was still good walking the beach. Nothing like salt water, salt air and sand to reinvigorate. An environmental crew drove by, still at work cleaning up after the recent oil spill in Buzzard's Bay. There was no visible evidence of the aftermath in this area on this day, but the spill had a terrible effect on wildlife and great globs of oil washed up on many beaches very sad.
Trying to hang in ... We did the usual things, trying to pretend the weather wasn't a factor. And I'm getting pretty good at it after so much practice. We took a nice drive with Janina (Peter's mom) around Leominster. Climbing hills and finding vantage points we hadn't known about. I love discovering new places and things right in your own neck of the woods. Of course then I'm mad at myself for not finding them sooner. Ah well.
Cats and more cats. Our new guy Vincy has made some progress. He's a sweet cat but will need much more time to get comfortable. We hope it will happen someday! And I was busy working on the Milford Humane web site and at the shelter a few hours every week. Lot of great cats waiting to be adopted anyone interested?
Will the weather and my spirits improve as the month goes on? I know you can't wait to find out ...