A zero administration web-server appliance that's simple to install, configure, operate, and grow.
The SiteStakTM TW-500 from THiiNTM Line is designed to be the basic building block for web site hosting services and large-scale content providers.
Built with inexpensive, reliable commodity components, it’s the first in a family of single-purpose, specialized appliances designed to bring economy,
simplicity and utility to web publishing and administration.
Smart, Web-wise

Small, simple and cheap as it is, the SiteStak is far smarter, web-wise, than any of today’s most powerful commercial systems.
It is self tuning, self configuring, and self monitoring. It uses content-aware memory organization to optimize web performance.
A single SiteStak can be used, with containment security, to host multiple web sites. Or each SiteStak can be dedicated to a single web site.
To grow, new SiteStaks can be stacked quickly and easily: they’ll configure their network addresses automatically.
Publish Power

Simple as it is, the SiteStak makes a powerful publishing server.
It features comprehensive log-file management and compatibility with Microsoft® FrontPage, Netscape® Page Composer, and AOLpress.
Content can be static or dynamic with full support for FrontPage components, CGI, and server-side scripting in VBScript, Jscript, and Perl.
All You'll Ever Need

Best of all, the SiteStak doesn’t weigh the web site down with gadget-ridden hardware or superfluous software.
It occupies just 1.75 inches of rack space, comes with a two-page startup guide, and needs just two connections: power and 10/100 MB Fast Ethernet.
SiteStak TW-500 Numbers
- Hosts up to 1,000 web sites
- Stores up to 160,000 web pages
- 500 hits/second
- Processes up to 43,000,000 hits/day
- Fits in 1U of rack space (1.75 inches)
- 1 SPECweb96 per cubic inch (10x performance density of competition)
- 20,000 SPECweb96 per rack (1,700,000,000 hits/day)
SiteStak Features

Appliance-like Installation
- No console, keyboard or mouse
- No software to install
- Plug in power, Ethernet, and turn on
- Automatically configures network address information (requires DHCP or RARP server)
- Configurable via any web browser
Web Server Features
- Multi-threaded design
- Virtual server support
- HTTP/1.1 HOST header
- HTTP/1.1 byte range support
- NCSA and CERN image maps
- Microsoft FrontPage server extensions
- Server-side includes
Virtual Web Site Support
- Shared or dedicated IP addressing
- Advanced web site containment within server
- Critical-resource usage monitored, limits enforced on disk, network, CPU, and cache
Server-side Active Content
- CGI/1.1
- VBScript
- Jscript
- Perl
- Server-side includes
Publishing Protocols
- Microsoft FrontPage
Content-aware Performance
- Embedded objects such as GIFs, JPEGs and other HTML pages are pre-fetched into cache
- Frequently-requested files are given cache preference, decreasing response times for popular pages
- Content-aware disk layout improves average seek times
Search Engine
- Full text indexing and search engine
- Compatible with HTML and text files
- Integrated with security engine
Comprehensive Log File Management
- Each SiteStak maintains a global, configurable rotating log
- Each virtual web site’s log size is configurable
- SiteStak Storage Manager software periodically processes global logs, automatically distributing web site log records to each publisher
- Microsoft Extended log file format with user-agent and referer information
HTML Documentation
- Setup Wizard
- Server Administrator documentation
- Publisher documentation
- Context-sensitive help for the novice to the expert webmaster.
- Restricted web site access configurable by ACLs, hostname/IP address, and HTTP Basic Authentication
Alarms, Monitoring, and Reporting
- SNMP traps
- Event log viewer
- Online diagnostics
- Complete per-web site reporting: total hits; disk space, CPU and network I/O usage
- Rackmount enclosure (17.25" W x 11.6" L x 1.75" H)
- Weight: 12.5 pounds
- 200 MHz Intel® Pentium® Pro processor
- 512 KB pipelined burst L2 cache
- 128 MB 60ns EDO DRAM with ECC
- Two 2.1 GB SCSI disk drives
- 10/100 MB Fast Ethernet NIC
- Universal input AC/DC power supply (110/220, 50-60 Hz), 4 fans
- Four external connectors: power, 10Base-T 10/100 MB Fast Ethernet, 2 serial ports (RJ-45)
- Four LEDs: Power, System, Network, Activity
- 3-year return-to-factory
- Toll-free telephone support for hardware failures (7 x 24 x 365); and software issues (8:00 to 8:00 M-F)
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THiiN and SiteStak are trademarks of Data General Corporation. All other brand and product names may be trademarks or registered trademarks of their
respective holders. The materials contained herein are summary in nature, subject to change, and intended for general information only.
Details and specifications regarding Data General equipment and software are included in the applicable technical manuals, available from
local sales representatives. All rights reserved. Copyright Data General 1997.
