software can help you restore order to chaotic and informal work request
processes, and maximize the value that your department creates for the
Designed specifically for use by Corporate IT and other Internal Service
Departments, Account4 is the only work
request system of its kind. With flexible Web-based request forms
and a powerful central data repository, it offers the gatekeepers in your
organization tremendous administrative and decision-making advantages.
Take a look at how Account4 can help you capture work and
service requests as well as manage scoping and approval
of work.
Work & Service Requests
objective is simple: To get a handle on all incoming projects, service
requests, maintenance activities, and ad-hoc work. Account4 provides 100%
HTML request forms so that you can tailor and add forms as needed and
offers convenient Web access to encourage use. What better way to eliminate
countless faxes, phone calls, emails, and lost requests?
Account4 also assists you with setting priorities and fosters communication
between groups by collecting and organizing all of the organization's
work in one shared database.
Align your priorities with those of the organization
Reduce the number of request channels into your organization
Improve response time by eliminating bottlenecks and lost requests
Forecast workloads and resource requirements
Maintain a record of all work performed for your customers
& Approval
between your department and the people that you serve is critical when
potential work is being reviewed. Account4 can help you streamline this
process and be certain that both sides are in agreement on scope, dates,
cost, and priority. This will ultimately determine the success of your
group and the satisfaction of your customers.
Estimate new work based on history and best practices
Review existing resource capacity prior to committing to new
Prioritize work based on organizational goals
Set more accurate customer expectations
Document and share customer requirements
Reduce review and approval times by streamlining the process
Tailor the approval process to meet your requirements
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