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Our Professional Services Group has successfully implemented enterprise business software systems in organizations numbering from a few hundred to several thousand users. Account4 builds upon this experience and shares its knowledge with customers to help them achieve their goals. Our success is derived from following our "best practices":

The Professional Services Group partners with our customers to:

  • Understanding the critical success factors

    Account4 recognizes that there are three factors that must be present for an organization to successfully implement an enterprise-wide system, and shares this knowledge with prospects as part of the implementation review session.

  • Set the proper expectation

    Account4 understands that an informed customer is the best customer. By evaluating our customer's requirements and staffing limitations, we develop an implementation plan that defines activities, deliverables, effort, responsibility and estimated cost. In addition, Account4 only provides its services after the customer gives written authorization specific to each deliverable. The customer manages the scope of the implementation from the start.

  • Customer determines level of service

    Account4 recommends a "core" set of services that are required to make each customer successful. Beyond this core, we work with our customers in several ways, depending upon the customer's needs:
       · as a counselor, providing a minimal amount of guidance beyond the core training,
       · as a partner, sharing in the responsibilities of the implementation, or
       · as a turn-key solutions provider, assuming full responsibility for the implementation.

Process and procedures.
We can help our customers define their work management processes and procedures for all departments and user roles.

Budget and schedules. With a proven implementation defining the activities and effort required for success, Account4 works with customers to set the proper expectations for resource requirements, schedule, activities and deliverables.

Product installations. Account4 provides written installation documentation and either on site or telephone support for product installations. We also assist customers with evaluating the technical environment required for successful performance.

Product training. Account4 provides a standard set of role-based training courses, and also prepares client-specific training programs as requested. This classroom training combined with a complete on-line help system prepares your organization for increased productivity using Account4 software.

Product tailoring. Account4 may tailor or modify the product and/or reports, if requested, to meet our customer's unique requirements. Customizations are designed in a collaborative environment between the customer and Account4 to ensure applicability to requirements, application design, schedule and budget.

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