Press releases Account4 Home Account4 Home Selected by Western Digital Corporation to Streamline Internal IT Department

Technology, experience and scalability cited as key selection criterion

Newton, MA – March 30, 2000 – continues to demonstrate dominance in the professional services automation (PSA) and IT Management market space with the signing of an agreement with Western Digital Corporation to implement Account4™. Western Digital Corporation (WDC), of Irvine, CA, is an industry leader in information storage management with several thousand employees worldwide. They wanted a solution to help better utilize human capital and more efficiently manage existing and future projects in their corporate IT department. Account4 fulfills WDC's organizational needs.

Account4's Web-based technology was a primary factor in the selection process, according to Wolfgang Nickl, Director of the Business Solutions Group at WDC. There are many Web-enabled PSA solutions on the market, but WDC was determined to implement a true thin-client, Web-based application that took full advantage of Internet technology rather than migrating functionality from another technology. A few key benefits of Account4's technology include: ease of use, low cost of implementation and maintenance, and accessibility from anywhere, at any time. has a history of success with large rollouts, and their proven track record for enterprise-wide implementations was also appealing to WDC. "We wanted a product that would start working for us soon, so we could quickly realize the benefit of our investment. We will be using Account4 within a month to organize and automate our group, so that we can improve productivity and ultimately offer better service to our customers. After looking at other providers, we felt that the combination of Account4's technology, scalability, and their sophisticated Microsoft Project interface made it the best choice for us," said Nickl.'s VP of Marketing, Dick Artus, commented, "Western Digital represents the momentum that is well underway at The severe resource shortage in the IT industry coupled with the demand for a high level of customer service makes it critical for leading-edge companies to obtain the best utilization of their people in order to succeed. Account4 helps managers do a better job, from start to finish."

Press Contacts: Account4

Jay Hakansson
(617) 964-1633 x237
Jim McGeady
(617) 964-1633 x242

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