August 2006 | Page 1 Page 2 Page 4 |
Bring in da Funk ... So, what the heck were we doing in Troy, New York? Staying at a hotel that looked like a throwback to the 1960s? Well, maybe that was appropriate ... this was a history tour. Troy is a fascinating, funky place, a horizontal sliver of a city, sitting on a hillside. It seemed that if it rained too much, the whole shebang could just slide into the Hudson River. Troy was where Mom lived for a few years as a young girl, in rented houses with her family. I thought she wanted to show us those places, but surprise, she didn't really. OK, next reason: Dad spent a year at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute (RPI) before moving on to bigger things like fighting in World War II. And I had the address of two places he lived while there as a student. One we found, the other ... well, the street turned out to be an alley with no frontages, no addresses.
We also went into the Armory (1920), which looks like a castle but is an old gymnasium with locker rooms and trophy cases. It was absolutely stifling with no AC on probably the hottest day yet. It had that familiar smell of years of sweaty action — I love that "aroma", and the memories it triggers (Tully Gym at FSU). On one of our trips to Geneva with Dad in the late 70s, we stopped in Troy, and the RPI Armory was one place he took us. Troy pictures
On to Albany The main reason we were in the area was to visit the Albany Medical College Library. In its archives was the thesis of John Newton Rippey (grandson of the Captain John Rippey) written in 1862 as he studied to be a doctor. (Back then it only took a year!) Mom had seen the thesis many years earlier and wanted us to see it also. So we had arranged to visit the archives, where librarians Karyn and Sue showed us the document and other Rippey artifacts. It was "handle with care," meaning we had to use plastic to touch the pages.
Karyn and Sue also brought out a later photo of J.N. Rippey. After serving as a doctor during the Civil War, he became a minister in Nebraska. They also had a hand-written letter he had sent to the College, and a copy of his obituary from a local paper. It was a very detailed account of his life and surprisingly, his death. Kurt especially was amazed at the minute-by-minute description: Dr. Rippey walked from his home to St. John's church yesterday morning, and after the service was taken home in John T. Earl's automobile. He had helped the family to dinner, but did not eat any himself, as he complained of pains in his chest.
So it was an interesting visit. Also notable, as we left the library and walked across the parking lot, we may have been on the hottest place on the planet at that moment. Albany Medical College pictures
Game Time The game was at Joseph L. Bruno Stadium ("the Joe"). And it was "Italian" night at the park, so Kurt was happy, nothing like some pasta with your baseball. It was a great time; the teams were impressive, good pitching, very crisp infield play and some nice catches in the outfield. John was interested in seeing the Astros top prospect, Max Sapp. While he was espousing opinions and information and color commentary about the Astros(as only he can do), as in "We signed this guy ...," a spectator asked him, "Are you with the team?" We got a kick out of that.
John gave Joe a ball and pen before the game, and Joe got an autograph from Luis Lebron, closer for the visiting Aberdeen Ironbirds. He did pitch in the late innings, but Joe didn't get to see him. The gang from East Longmeadow decided to head home instead of spending the last night in Troy. So we said goodbye as they left before the game ended. John, Lori, Mom, Peter & I stayed for all 11 innings, followed by a fireworks show. A fitting end to the day and our tour. Game pictures
We left Troy the following morning ... Mom took her time and the scenic Route 2 back to our house. But the week wasn't over yet ... |