Bryce is only two hours from Zion, and a nice two hours it is … More interesting country. Saw some buffalo roaming, but no deer or antelope playing. Seems to be a tradition in the southwest that the first letter of a town's name is etched or written on a nearby mountain. Kind of neat, and nicer than a billboard. The highway again ran alongside a beautiful winding river I believe the Sevier. Utah is just beautiful in this area I wish we had had time to go further north to see the other great parks. Ah well, someday … Approaching
Bryce, we entered a different canyon area unexpectedly. Then into Bryce Canyon itself. We stopped at the visitor center, of course, and loaded up on guides, maps, postcards, books, etc. you can never have enough information is my motto. The main road of the park runs for 18 miles along the plateau rim above the canyon. At several points on this route are overlooks into the canyon. Our first approach to the canyon was at Sunset Point (8000 ft.). Oh my. Oh, Wow.
We were staying right in the park at the Bryce Canyon Lodge, one of the great lodges of the National Parks system. Grand and rustic at once. The guest rooms are actually in separate buildings and cabins surrounding the main lodge. A very comfortable, companionable atmosphere, where you feel removed from civilization. (Yikes - no TV?) The following morning (a cold one) we got up early to see the sunrise at Bryce Point. About 20 others were there also, poised with cameras, awaiting the magic. It was unfortunately very short-lived as the sun had barely gotten above the horizon when it went behind a cloud bank. So the dramatic shadows didn't develop. Oh well, still nice enough. We spent a little more time enjoying and appreciating where we were, and then were off to the next place. Somewhere I was a bit excited about: the Grand Canyon.